Village Lottery


Hartford Civic Society runs the Village Lottery.  Anyone can play.  You don’t have to be a Member.

£60 is won on the first Wednesday of every month, based on the bonus ball in the National Lottery (“lotto”).  Numbers are currently limited to two “schemes” with the numbers 1 to 59.  Numbers are paid for in September, when numbers can change hands.  £12 buys 12 chances to win £30, but if the same number is held in both schemes, it is a “Golden Number” and the prize is £60.

Half the proceeds go in prizes, and the other half towards Hartford Civic Society projects.  Full rules for the lottery can be downloaded by clicking this link:


If interested, please contact the Promoter by email to or text to 07903 534544.  If the Lottery is fully sold, we keep a waiting list, and will contact you as soon as a number becomes available.